Photograph of Gruevski in Budapest appears on Internet

A photograph depicting the former PM Nikola Gruevski in Budapest, Hungary, appeared on the internet on Tuesday evening. At the photograph, Gruevski is walking around an unknown location in Budapest. Hungarian journalist Daniele Noland reported for Kanal 5 that the photograph is indeed authentic, but did not reveal who made it. The photograph also depicts VMRO-DPMNE member Aleksandar Trajkovski, who is one of the defendants in the case for the violent protests in the Municipality of Centar in 2013. Reporting for Makfax, Trajkovski claims that the entire situation is a mistake, but did not reveal did he visited Gruevski in Budapest. Some Hungarian media report that Gruevski resides in a hotel on the location where the photograph is taken and that he is guarded by security guards. Gruevski was granted political asylum by Hungary after he fled Macedonia to avoid serving a prison sentence for being found guilty of illegal procurement of official vehicle while being PM of Macedonia.