The country has acquired a special reputation and aspires to advance its democratic environment, PM Zoran Zaev said at Tuesday’s marking of Independence Day, 8 September, in Skopje. In his speech, he added that the EU and NATO had helped a lot during its development. The PM also mentioned the deals with Greece and Bulgaria, which, in his view, resulted in the country making a significant breakthrough at an international level. Zaev also talked about the opposition, that is, urged it to “abandon narrow-party interests”. Among the main challenges, according to him, are dealing with the coronavirus pandemic, economic development, and judicial reforms. “A time of order, justice, and discipline is coming,” Zaev stressed. The event was held in line with COVID-19 protocols. On the same occasion, congratulatory messages were sent by, among others, President Stevo Pendarovski, Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi, DUI leader Ali Ahmeti, and VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski.