Prime Minister Zoran Zaev welcomed the dialogue between President Stevo Pendarovski and VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski, but said he did not expect anything special from their meeting concerning the 27 April Parliament Incidents case. “The President of North Macedonia cannot give amnesty or abolition for acts like terroristic endangering of the constitutional order. If indeed the defence in this case has evidence that may influence the outcome of the process, it is possible for opening a new process,” Zaev said. DUI leader Ali Ahmeti stated for TV21 that he believes that the qualification “terrorism” in this case is too harsh. “These were rather painful and violent events, but it was not terrorism. The crowd that broke into the Parliament was euphoric and enraged, and terrorism is something completely different,” Ahmeti said. From Alliance for Albanians and Alternative they stated that the meeting between Mickoski and Pendarovski is a takeover of the judiciary by politicians.