Politicians Send New Year’s Messages to Citizens

In his New Year’s video message to citizens on Tuesday, PM Zoran Zaev wished citizens a better future and health. “In the new year, the country will become a member of NATO, we will strongly be knocking also on the gates of the EU, to which we have what to say as well,” he points out.  According to him, the obligations for the legal state to be fully established remains. As far as the economy is concerned, he voiced huge satisfaction. The same day, VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski said his wish was stability, justice, progress, and good standard for citizens. “I believe that you and your children should be happy, have good standard, stability, progress, that justice should reign, while the state should look after you,” he pointed out, describing 2019 as a year of injustices, lies, and corruption. The same day, New Year’s messages were also sent by the Minister of Defence, Radmila Sekerinska, the leader of DUI, Ali Ahmeti, and the Parliament Speaker, Talat Xhaferi.