The Market Vision agency conducted a poll according to which 22% of the citizens would
support VMRO-DPMNE on the following parliamentary election, 11.5% would vote for
SDSM, 9.2% for DUI, 5% for Levica and 3.5% for the Alliance for Albanians. Opposite to
these groups, more than 43% of the citizens said that they would either not vote at all or will
go to the polls to annul the ballot. When asked which political leader they trust the most, over
60% said they trust none of the political leaders, 12% said it is VMRO-DPMNE leader
Hristijan Mickoski, 6.1% said it is PM and SDSM leader Dimitar Kovacevski, 5.9% said it is
DUI leader Ali Ahmeti and 3.7% said it is Levica leader Dimitar Apasiev, while 2.9% said
they have most trust in former VMRO-DPMNE leader Nikola Gruevski. When asked
whether a ruling alliance consisted of SDSM and VMRO-DPMNE will bring anything good
for the country, almost 52% said that it would be good, but only 30.7% believe that such
government would manage to function properly. Market Vision informed that the poll was
conducted between 5 and 16 June among a representative sample of 1,200 citizens, with
possibility for statistical error of 3%.