Poll: 56.8 % of Citizens Support Macedonia’s Integration in EU

A poll conducted by the Centre for European Strategies Eurothink reveals that a majority of citizens (56.8 %) support the integration of Macedonia in the EU. More than half of the citizens believe that Macedonia will be given a date for start of the membership negotiations with the EU around May 2020. 44.4 % of the citizens also believe that the policy of the EU towards Macedonia is “unfair, arrogant and blackmail”. Asked which country is the best friend and supporter of Macedonia, 18.3 % of citizens said no one, 16.2 % of the citizens said Germany, 11.8 % believe it is Serbia, 9.7 % for the US, 7.4 % for Turkey, 4.8 % for the EU and 4.7 % for Russia. Asked if any country poses a threat for Macedonia, 37.1 % believe it to be Greece, 10.5 % believe it is Albania, 8.8 % said it is Bulgaria, 5.5 % for Russia, 5.2 % for the US, 4.7 % for Kosovo and 2.5 % for the EU. When it comes to their trust in state institutions, majority of citizens (around 52 %) trust the army most, while 44.9 % have greatest trust in the President of Macedonia, 34.7 % trust the NGOs, 32 % trust the government, while over 70 % of citizens said that they do not trust any political party. 67 % of citizens believe the EU membership is useful for Macedonia, and 36.4 % believe that Macedonia can become a full-fledged member of EU in the next 5 years. 55 % believe that EU is the best option for Macedonia, while 40.8 % believe there are better alternatives.