A poll conducted by the Macedonian Centre for International Cooperation (MCIC) and the Institute for Democracy “Societas Civilis” indicates that SDSM is the most popular political party among the majority of citizens. When asked which party they would vote for in the upcoming snap election in April 2020, 22.1 % of the citizens said they would vote for SDSM, 20.4 % said they would vote for VMRO-DPMNE, 6.6 % would vote for DUI, 2.6 % for the Alliance for Albanians (AA), 1.7 % for Levica, 1.5 % for BESA, 0.9 % for DPA and 0.8 % for Alternativa. 2 % of the citizens cited other political parties, 13.8 % said that they are yet to decide about their vote, 12.6 % said they will not vote at all, 2.8 % said they will go to the polls to make their voting ballots void, while 12.2 % refused to answer the question. The data calculated based on the ethnicity of the interviewees indicate that majority of Macedonians (27.9 %) would vote for VMRO-DPMNE, while majority of Albanians (30.3 %) would vote for DUI. Among the political leaders, 16.5 % support SDSM leader Zoran Zaev, 14.2 % support VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski, 6.9 % support DUI leader Ali Ahmeti and 2.3 % support AA leader Ziadin Sela. 64.5 % of the citizens believe that the current government did not stand up to their expectations and should not be re-elected, while 53.9 % believe that VMRO-DPMNE should not be in the new government.