The day after the agreement on the date of the elections, the OSCE/ODIHR mission said they would arrive in the country in three days and would start work on Monday, 22 June. Without rallies and larger gatherings – the crisis around the world pandemic will change the way most of the country’s political parties run election campaigns. The ruling SDSM announced today that in the period from 24 June, when the campaign starts until the election silence on 12 July, they will lead a responsible and safe campaign. At the moment, the plan is for the OSCE/ODIHR team to be ready to travel on 19 June and start working on June 22. It will consist of a team of seven experts who will be accommodated in Skopje. “The mission will carefully evaluate how strictly the elections uphold OSCE’s commitments and remaining international standards for democratic elections, as well as compliance to national legislative,” stated OSCE/ODIHR Spokesperson Katya Andrusz.