“Today, the agreement reached between Zaev and Tsipras was submitted to me for insight for the first time. At the meeting with PM Zoran Zaev and FM Nikola Dimitrov, I told them this was a personal agreement of theirs, a personal decision of theirs and personal responsibility of theirs,” President Gjorge Ivanov said on Wednesday. According to him, the deal means that the positions so far, confirmed at the leader’s meeting so far, that there will be no change of the name overall (erga omnes) use, have been abandoned. The President described the agreement as harmful, unacceptable and undignified. “I will not legalise political illegal buildings. The whole process had been taking place non-transparently. The text of the agreement is devastating to the Republic of the Macedonia,” the he noted. It envisages not only a change of the constitutional name, but also a change of the Preamble, according to Ivanov. In addition, he asked: “Is that patriotism, is an omission of the article for protection of the minorities patriotism?” Greece, the President pointed out, has fulfilled its maximalist demands and now, through the agreement, wants to do to Macedonians in Macedonia what it did to Macedonians in Greece. “I call on the Macedonian people not to be afraid. Keep, foster your century-long ideal of insubordination. I will not be hesitated with pressures, blackmails and threats. I will not support such harmful deal,” Ivanov stated. Earlier in the day, Ivanov had left the meeting with Zaev and Dimitrov.