President Stevo Pendarovski in his address from Villa Vodno declared state of emergency in view of the coronavirus situation in the country. President Pendarovski declared a state of emergency after receiving the government’s proposal. The state of emergency will last for 30 days, during which period, the Government will have to report to the President on the taken measures to protect against coronavirus, to inform daily on the action taken, and the updated plans for future actions. The government will continue to function as a technical one. “I signed the decision to declare a state of emergency on the territory of the whole country. The fact that we are declaring a state of emergency for the first time since our independence indicates how complex the situation in the country is. The elections will have to be postponed and will be scheduled only when the opportunity arises,” said President Pendarovski in his extraordinary address. He once again urged the citizens to stay home and not travel abroad. The government demanded a state of emergency, before which SDSM and VMRO-DPMNE leaders Zoran Zaev and Hristijan Mickoski came out with such recommendations. Among other politicians and functionaries, PM Oliver Spasovski, Health Minister Venko Filipce and Justice Minister Renata Deskoska came out in support of the extraordinary measures. They believe that the state of emergency will provide the Government and institutions with increased efficacy in dealing with the epidemic which is to the benefit of all citizens in the country.