President Pendarovski Holds Meetings in Frames of World Economic Forum

In the frames of his participation of the World Economic Forum in Davos, President Stevo Pendarovski held several bilateral meetings. At the meeting with Spanish PM Pedro Sanchez, he expressed gratitude for Spain’s principled support for North Macedonia’s integrations. The EU enlargement policy needs to continue in the interest of stability, security, and prosperity of the Western Balkans, it was pointed out. At the meeting with Kosovan PM Albin Kurti, the pledges of Pristina and Skopje to deepen bilateral communication and mutual cooperation in all areas of common interest were reaffirmed. At the meeting with US politician and former US Vice President Al Gore, opinions were exchanged about the foreign policy of the US and North Macedonia through the prism of the current developments in Europe and the world, as well as about the need to intensify trans-Atlantic relations.