PS Xhaferi attends Parliamentary Conference in Vienna

The Speaker of the Macedonian Parliament Talat Xhaferi attends in Vienna a conference of parliament speakers of the EU member-states. At the conference, the parliament speakers welcomed the adoption of the Prespa Agreement, evaluating it as a historical step forward towards stability of the Balkan region. At the sidelines of the conference, Xhaferi held bilateral meetings with the Deputy of the French National Assembly Carole Bureau-Bonnard, which convinced Xhaferi that France shall proceed supporting the integration in EU of all West Balkan countries, pointing out that their stability is fundamental for Europe. Xhaferi also held a bilateral meeting with the Speaker of the Slovak Parliament Andrej Danko. Xhaferi thanked Danko on the recent adoption of the NATO Protocol for Accession of Macedonia. Both interlocutors spoke about the bilateral cooperation between Macedonia and Slovakia, with Xhaferi inviting Danko to visit Macedonia in the following period.