Parliament Speaker (PS) Talat Xhaferi met on Tuesday in the Parliament of Macedonia British Ambassador to Macedonia Rachel Galloway. Galloway congratulated Xhaferi upon his re-appointment as PS as well as the election of the new Macedonian government. During the meeting, Xhaferi spoke about the good relations between Macedonia and the United Kingdom, and both interlocutors expressed hope for improvement of the bilateral cooperation in future. “We are currently facing a pandemic, and in order to deal with it, we all need to create a good working atmosphere so that state institutions and capacities can respond suitably to the healthcare threat we are facing today,” Xhaferi said. He also thanked Galloway and the United Kingdom for the excellent cooperation in the processes for accession of Macedonia in NATO. Referring to the Brexit, Xhaferi told Galloway that the Parliament of Macedonia is ready to go through all necessary procedures for ratification of the updated trade agreements between Macedonia and the United Kingdom. Later on Tuesday, Xhaferi also held a meeting with the Chinese Ambassador to Macedonia Zhang Zuo. Zuo congratulated Xhaferi upon his re-election as PS and handed him a letter of greetings signed by the Speaker of the Chinese National People’s Congress Li Zhanshu. The interlocutors discussed possibilities for cooperation between Macedonia and China, especially in the dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as in the field of economy.