Commenting on VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski’s absence from Stevo Pendarovski’s inauguration as President, PS Talat Xhaferi says Parliament invites neither leaders of parties who are not MPs nor candidates that lost in elections. Mickoski, Gordana Siljanovska Davkova and Blerim Reka hadn’t been invited at all. According to Parliament, even if they had been invited, the letters would have perhaps arrived late because the legislative home’s services sent them on Saturday afternoon. PM Zoran Zaev, commenting on the decision to use days off and not be in the country during the inauguration, explains that the vacation is the only reason. “I have a right to vacation. And I need a little rest. There is no other reason,” he says. VMRO-DPMNE criticised both Zaev and Pendarovski over the issue. “Zaev didn’t have to be physically present because Pendarovski is a shadow of his, without integrity, that just needs to approve the mentor’s corruption. Zaev didn’t have to be physically present because when he speaks, there is no need for Pendarovski to open his month. Driving a motorcycle is more important than Pendarovski’s inauguration. Regardless of whether Pendarovski deserved to become the President or not, Zaev prioritising the driving of a motorcycle represents high non-respect for both the state and its institutions,” the opposition party pointed out in the press-release.