Reactions to Zaev’s Interview for BGNES Continue

Former PM and former SDSM leader Branko Crvenkovski called upon the entire party membership to distant themselves from PM Zoran Zaev and his claims in the interview for BGNES he gave on Wednesday. “The positions Zaev promoted in the interview caused massive unrepairable damage to the Macedonian politics, and will result with further serious consequences over the Macedonian people and their country. Now it is up to SDSM to reduce the damage as much as possible by holding an immediate meeting of the central board at which we will discuss Zaev’s latest performance and how we will act against it. Until that happens, my membership in SDSM will be temporarily frozen,” Crvenkovski said. President of Macedonia Stevo Pendarovski said that Zaev’s interview unfortunately caused doubts about whether the government holds a unified position when it comes to the issue with Bulgaria. Deputy PM Dimitrov said that the main idea of the Good-neighbourliness Agreement from 2017 was to leave history to historians, and for bilateral issues to not become an obstacle for EU-integration. DM Radmila Sekerinska said that as a government they are ready to do all in their power for Macedonia to not be a slave to history, and that Zaev’s ultimate intention is to open as much doors as possible for cooperation between Macedonia and Bulgaria. Reaction also came from the association of fighters that fought in World War II, stating that they feel deeply offended by Zaev’s statements in relation to the events of World War II, and demanded immediate apology from him. VMRO-DPMNE and Levica demanded immediate resignation from PM Zaev.