According to information reported by the internationally established news agency Reuters, official Berlin had suggested separation of the processes for start of EU membership negotiations with Macedonia and Albania. “According to the plan suggested to the Ministers of the 28 EU member-states which are to discuss the issue this October, a compromise between the members supporting the enlargement of EU and those opposing it, like France, Netherlands and Denmark, is very probable. Few weeks ago, Germany approved the start of the membership talks with North Macedonia and Albania, but with additional conditions for the latter. The draft-conclusions of the Councils of Ministers of EU suggest start of membership talks with North Macedonia by the end of 2019, but still, the adoption of this resolution depends on France. There is also the possibility for the decision in this process to be made by the heads of states of the EU members. In this case, two options are possible: either providing additional conditions before start of membership talks, or separation of the processes for North Macedonia and Albania,” Reuters writes.