SDSM: Danela Arsovska Holds Bulgarian Citizenship and ID

SDSM MP Slavjanka Petrovska said at a press conference that independent candidate for Mayor of Skopje Danela Arsovska holds both Bulgarian citizenship and Bulgarian ID. “Yesterday we found out that Arsovska applied for and was issued Bulgarian citizenship back in 2011. Today, we have in our possession evidence that Arsovska also holds a Bulgarian ID, which has been issued on 5 May 2017, only a week after the 27 April Parliament Incidents. Arsovska can hide behind the reactions of VMRO-DPMNE as much as she wants, but she cannot escape the truth,” Petrovska said. PM Zoran Zaev also commented on the allegations against Arsovska, saying that the citizens of Skopje will not allow to be manipulated in such a manner. “One cannot decide to be representative of a foreign country and lead a unit of local self-government. She is not even denying this. I expect and believe that after all this was revealed, she will withdraw from the race for the mayor position in Skopje,” Zaev said. In meantime, Arsovska held a press conference at which she denied all claims of SDSM against her, and announced that she will file slander charges against them.