Health Minister Venko Filipce informed on Friday that the leaders of VMRO-DPMNE and SDSM, Hristijan Mickoski and Zoran Zaev respectively, were put in isolation in their homes after being in contact with Kanal 5 TV Editor-in-Chief Goce Mihajlovski, who was recently tested positive for COVID-19. “The two party leaders were immediately tested for presence of COVID-19, and both of their tests tuned out negative. However, we must stick to the healthcare protocols, which is why both Zaev and Mickoski will have to stay in isolation at their homes. Mihajlovski is hospitalised at the 8 September Hospital in Skopje and his condition is stable,” Filipce said. Asked how the state will keep on functioning in case some of the ministers in the government for example contract COVID-19, Filipce said that such a scenario has been discussed by the Commission on Contagious Diseases as early as the first half of March. “We have seen in other countries that people on official positions can proceed managing their respective institutions from their isolation capacities. Apart from this, we have the system of deputy ministers and deputy directors of institutions, and we shall activate these capacities in case such a necessity arises,” Filipce explained. The party leaders addressed the public via social networks, confirming they are feeling well and they are staying in their homes. “After I received the information that a journalist I recently had an interview with is tested positive for coronavirus, I immediately contacted the healthcare authorities to be tested, and fortunately, my test turned out negative. Still, I shall respect the isolation recommendations and I shall stay in my home for 14 days,” Mickoski wrote on Facebook. “During my interview with the journalist in question, I was sticking to the recommendations for keeping a distance of at least 2 metres between us. I was tested after finding out he is positive for COVID-19, but my test was negative. I have no symptoms of COVID-19 and I feel very well, but I shall stay in my home in Strumica for as long as necessary,” Zaev wrote on Facebook.