SDSM will accept the resolution VMRO-DPMNE will file to Parliament. The ruling party’s stand is that the Macedonian identity and language cannot be a condition for the progress of North Macedonia on the path towards EU membership. “We’re sending a strong message that the identity and language are a closed topic,” SDSM MP and Spokesperson Kostadin Kostadinov pointed out on Monday. As he explained, according to the Constitution, VMRO-DPMNE has to officially send the resolution to every MP. “Sure enough, we, as a responsible majority, we will accept in the form we see in media,” Kostadinov stressed, adding that that was bringing all of VMRO-DPMNE’s lies to the surface. The same day, members of Hristijan Mickoski’s party held a meeting with smaller parties concerning the resolution. Democratic Union, DOM, and LDP expressed support. Also on Monday, opposition leader Hristijan Mickoski welcomed SDSM’s step.