SDSM’s Zaev Holds Meeting with French Ambassador Thimonier

On Monday, SDSM leader Zoran Zaev, accompanied by his party’s International Cooperation Secretary, Bojan Maricic, held a meeting with French Ambassador Christian Thimonier. They talked about the current political situation, the work of the caretaker government, and the road to EU membership. According to Zaev, the messages that have arrived over the past days by EU representatives show that the European Commission has a plan, which is bringing back optimism. “We hope the new methodology will be drawn up soon and that it will offer a fair approach for both US and the EU,” the SDSM leader said, adding that it was good for Macedonia to present additional arguments before the EU by adopting the Public Prosecutor’s Office (PPO) law.  Thimonier is convinced that the EU will prepare a new methodology that will be in the interest of candidate countries and that Macedonia will continue the integration process. He welcomed Macedonia’s progress, adding that there was still room for that. In that regard, he said adopting the PPO law and strengthening the fight against crime and high corruption was needed.