The State Electoral Commission (SEC) informed that political parties and candidates at the local election that was held on Saturday in Tetovo, Mavrovo-Rostuse and Centar Zupa can file appeals over the results as late as 07:00 p.m. on Monday. If appeals are filed, SEC would process them as late as Wednesday, while parties and candidates can file lawsuits over the results to the Administrative Court after the publication of the official results. Candidates supported by SDSM, Arijan Ibraimi and Medat Kurtovski won the election for mayors in the municipalities of Centar Zupa and Mavrovo-Rostusa respectively, while in Tetovo on the election for council members, Besa won 12 seats, DUI 11, VMRO-DPMNE 4, SDSM 2 and Alterantiva and DPA one each. Due to the bad results of the Alliance for Albanians at the election in Tetovo, party leader Ziadin Sela withdrew from the leader position.