The State Electoral Commission (SEC) presented at a press conference on Monday the final results of the 1st round of the 2019 presidential election in Macedonia that took place on Sunday. “755.816 citizens out of 1.808.131 registered voters exercised their right to vote in Sunday’s press conference whereat turnout was 41.85 %. The conclusion on publishing the final results of the first round of presidential elections includes the number of votes won by each of the three participants in the election race. Stevo Pendarovski won 323,892 votes, Gordana Siljanovska-Davkova 319,364 votes and Blerim Reka 79,921 votes. According to Article 120 of the Electoral Code, SEC determined that none of the three candidates won the necessary number of votes to be elected for the President, while in line with 121 Article paragraph 1 of the Electoral Code if no candidate for the President wins the required majority in the first round, then the voting will be administered in the second round for the two candidates who won the most votes in the first round i.e. Stevo Pendarovski and Gordana Siljanovska-Davkova,” SEC President Oliver Derkovski said.