Defence Minister, Radmila Sekerinska attended the International Science Conference “MILCON 19” in Skopje, dedicated to modern education based on advanced remote learning. The Conference is in the framework of the RADLI project by the Jefferson Institute, supported by Norway, with the goal to share experiences and good practices in using advanced remote leaning technologies in different scientific areas. She sees the advanced remote learning as a step forward in a field which is more popular because of two reasons – it’s practical and saves resources, which is something valued by the finance ministers, and the defence minister as well. Furthermore, she underlined that the regional cooperation with Serbia, Slovenia and Bosnia and Herzegovina uncovered that there are many things shared and that are of mutual interest. Minister Sekerinska stated that she expects the ratification in France to end by November and only for the Spanish ratification to remain which is hard to estimate at this point. “According to the announcements, the first sitting at the Spanish Parliament will happen at the start of December. Every speculation remains only speculation. We are following the events very closely and we continue to send the message how important this ratification is not only for use, but for the whole region,” stated Minister Sekerinska while inspecting the newly renovated and equipped laboratories at the Military Academy “General Mihailo Apostolski” at the “Goce Delcev” Barracks where advanced education technology for remote learning has been installed. Minister Sekerinska also attended the conference organized by South Eastern Europe Small Arms Control (SEESAC), dedicated to gender equality and gender perspective in the defence force, where in her address she stated that the increase of female participation does not and should not happen overnight and requires hard work and dedication. “Out of 6.700 Army members, 635 are women, or around 10 percent, and of them 15% are officers, 11 percent deputy officers and only 5 percent are professional soldiers,” informs Minister Sekerinska.