“We are investing in good neighbourly relations and we expect Bulgaria to do the same,” said Defence Minister Sekerinska. According to her, the agreement with Bulgaria was not only an agreement to resolve problems, but also to build trust. “The agreement we signed with Bulgaria was not only an agreement to solve problems, but also to build trust and good neighbourly relations. We invest in those good neighbourly relations and we expect Bulgaria to do the same. Definitely the decisions that will be made by the end of the year will have a positive or negative impact on those relations and it will not only be our bilateral relations, but will affect the region. We expect the countries that opened the doors to show the same will, interest and desire to help the region move forward,” Sekerinska stated. The army and defence force are better when women and men are equally welcome, stated Sekerinska at the promotion of the National Plan for “Women, Peace and Security” held Tuesday.