Spasovski: Improving Status of Employees in MoI Important

After I took over the management of the Ministry of the Interior, the regular payment of bonus wages for over 150 hours of overtime worked annually was established as a priority, as a guaranteed right of the employees of the Ministry of the Interior according to the Collective Agreement,” announced the Minister of the Interior Oliver Spasovski on his Facebook profile. “Thus, in the period from 2017 to 2022, bonus salaries for 2017 and 2018 were paid, for which funds were not provided and paid by the previous leadership of the Ministry of the Interior, and we continued with regular payment of bonus salaries for 2019, 2020 and 2021, for that a total of 561,773,133 denars or 9,060,857 euros were secured and set aside, funds from the Budget of the Ministry of the Interior provided for the exercise of this right of the employees. Thanks to the implemented responsible economic policies and as a result of household operations, the average salary was increased, and with that the individual amount of bonus salaries in the Ministry of the Interior also grew,” wrote Spasovski.