State Officials Congratulate Day of NATO


Caretaker PM Oliver Spasovski, Deputy PM and Defence Minister Radmila Sekerinska and Foreign Affairs Minister Nikola Dimitrov addressed greetings on occasion the Day of NATO, 4 April. “Thanks to the determination of the citizens, the commitment of this government, the resolved disputes with the neighbours and the difficult reforms we have implemented, today we are part of the strongest political and military alliance in the history. With North Macedonia, NATO has 30 member states. We are allies with the most powerful in the world, we stand side by side, committed to the common system of collective security. We are safer, more stable and NATO is helping us fight the coronavirus, adding that greater economic benefits will come once things return to normal,” Caretaker PM Spasovski said in his greetings. DM Sekerinska said that Macedonia finally can congratulate this day as a full-fledged member of the Alliance. “Today, our flag is waving together with the flags of the other 29 flags of the NATO member states, as a member of the most powerful Alliance. After 30 years, promises and hopes, we succeeded. This time, we were not alone in this success and vast majority of our citizens supported us in this,” Sekerinska said. FM Dimitrov congratulated all citizens on their contribution towards the country’s goal of becoming NATO member. “I congratulate Macedonians, Albanians, Turks, Serbs, Roma, Bosnians and everyone else for our common home which is now safer. Free from this worry, it is up to us to make it successful, so that we can all be proud,” Dimitrov said in his greetings.