State Summit Marks 19th Anniversary of Death of President Trajkovski


With statesmanship activities, the Government on 26 February commemorated the 19th anniversary of the plane crash in which the former president, Boris Trajkovski, members of his cabinet and the plane’s crew lost their lives. At this year’s commemoration in Strumica, at the monument of the former president of Macedonia, Boris Trajkovski, a government delegation led by Jovanka Trencevska – Minister of Labour and Social Policy attended and laid fresh flowers. In Butel, Skopje, the wife of the former president, Vilma Trajkovska, a delegation of the office of President Stevo Pendarovski, a delegation of the Parliament, led by Goran Misovski, Vice President of the Assembly, Government delegation consisting of Slavica Grkovska, Deputy President of the Government, Risto Penov, Minister of Local Self-Government, Bekim Redzepi, Deputy Minister of Transport. Then a delegation of ARM led by Major General Azim Nuredini, Deputy Chief of General Staff. The Minister of Internal Affairs, Oliver Spasovski, in Mostar in Bosnia and Herzegovina, on behalf of the Government of North Macedonia, laid flowers at the memorial of the accident at Rotimlja, at a state ceremony on the occasion of the 19th anniversary of the tragic death of Macedonian President Boris Trajkovski and the delegation who accompanied him. “Great people never die, they live forever in the memories of those who respect true values. Such was the former Macedonian president Boris Trajkovski, who lost his life prematurely and tragically 19 years ago. Eternal glory to the second president Boris Trajkovski,” Spasovski wrote on Facebook.