The leader of VMRO-DPMNE Hristijan Mickoski does not deviate from the request for quick elections as a solution to the political deadlock and the current situation in the Parliament. In response to the government’s announcements for increasing the parliamentary majority and whether there is an option for opposition MPs to come to power, Mickoski said that the people will decide on that in the elections, and he claims that he is in constant communication with the opposition leaders, Sela, Gashi and Kasami for further steps on the political scene. VMRO-DPMNE will not obstruct the Parliament in passing the Budget, but in return they expect the government to support their amendments. DPA leader Menduh Thaci, who is part of the governing coalition, claims to have a majority of 61 lawmakers, although he acknowledges that is not enough to function well. In anticipation of the move of Prime Minister Zaev, which has not been publicly commented on so far, the only announcements left was by Deputy Prime Minister Bytyqi for a major reshuffle of the Government with the removal of six or seven ministers, but do not include DUI ministers.