Stoltenberg: NATO is ready to welcome North Macedonia as Member-state

The Secretary General of NATO Jens Stoltenberg and the NATO Ambassadors of the 29 member-states met on Monday in the Government the PM Zoran Zaev and the members of his cabinet. “You have credible institutions that can cooperate with the institutions of the other NATO member-states,” Stoltenberg told Zaev at a joint press conference after the meeting of the North-Atlantic Council at the government. The NATO Sec Gen praised the progress and successes achieved by Macedonia so far, saying he can barely wait for the country to become the 30th NATO member-state. “We congratulate and welcome the leadership you demonstrated. Your Defence Minister, Mrs. Radmila Sekerinska will attend the next meeting of DMs of NATO member-states. North Macedonia’s place in the Alliance is guaranteed, and we expect you to take it over once all 29 NATO member-states ratify the Protocol for Accession of North Macedonia,” Stoltenberg told Zaev. The Macedonian PM thanked Stoltenberg for his support in these processes for integration of Macedonia in NATO. “North Macedonia is officially becoming a part of NATO. We are ready, once we become a full member, to promote and nourish the mutual values of the Alliance. We hope that the NATO summit that is to take place in London at the end of 2019 is the event at which North Macedonia, after all 29 NATO member-states ratify the Protocol for Accession, will officially be inaugurated as the 30th NATO member-state,” PM Zaev said.