Telma Survey: SDSM Leads Over VMRO-DPMNE by 1.6 Percent

On the first day of the campaign, Telma published survey conducted by Market and Social Research Agency “M-Prospect” by telephone on a representative sample of 1003 respondents, between 16 and 21 June this year. For the coalition “We Can” led by SDSM, 23.5% of the respondents expressed support, while for the coalition “For Renewal of Macedonia” 21.9%, for DUI 6.4%, and for the Alliance for Albanians and Alternative 5%. VMRO DPMNE has a 3% advantage among Macedonian voters, but at the state level with the votes of Albanians and other ethnic communities the SDSM coalition has an advantage of 1.6 points, which is almost negligible and within the statistical error of the survey, announced Telma.