Third Coronavirus Death in Macedonia, 29 New Patients, 177 Total

The third coronavirus patient died in Macedonia on Wednesday, 66-year-old woman from Debar who has been on a respiratory assistance for a longer period of time, Health Minister Venko Filipce reported. In the last 24 hours, 29 new cases have been registered, bringing the total number of patients diagnosed with coronavirus to 177, including one cured and 3 deaths. The first patients in Prilep and Veles were also diagnosed. The most registered are in Skopje, 20 new and 108 in total. Filipce announced that during the weekend or early next detailed statistics on what is happening with the number of patients so far will be published, with clear diagrams showing the numbers and expectations within possible error rate according to epidemiologists. Regarding the treatment, Filipce informed that the examinations of all patients hospitalized at the Clinic will be completed Wednesday, after which they will determine which groups of patients will receive the treatment. At the same time, a plan is already being made for those who are at home. The treatment will be administered only in hospital conditions. Minister Filipce appealed to the citizens that all citizens stand equal before this threat and we must adhere to the recommendations, the rules – because if the measures are not implemented there could be no protection. It has also been noted that out of the countries in the region, Macedonia has the highest number of medical professional that have been infected by the virus, the number counting 15 on Wednesday.