The fire in Tetovo and the death of 14 people, the census, and the elections were the topic of Monday’s duel between the Prime Minister and leader of SDSM, Zoran Zaev and the President of VMRO-DPMNE, Hristijan Mickoski on Kanal 5. Zaev called not to use the tragedy in Tetovo for daily political points. He reiterated that he would first wait for the results of the investigation, and then make decisions on the resignations offered by health officials and directors of the Tetovo hospital. Zaev condemns the opposition’s constant insistence on the resignation of Minister Venko Filipce. During the duel, Mickoski blamed PM Zaev for the tragedy, stating that the modular hospital was put into use without an appropriate document. According to the leader of VMRO-DPMNE, not only moral, but also criminal and political responsibility is needed. Zaev countered that these are lies told exclusively for political profiteering. “The desire for power to make a man such a political profiteer is becoming only for you. You are both an investigator and a judge and a prosecutor,” Zaev told Mickoski. Mickoski asked Zaev to answer whether there is a rulebook for the modular hospitals in the Ministry of Health, who is the designer of these containers, whether all the modular hospitals are placed like this and how the electricity connection was provided. This is the third duel between the leaders of the two largest parties, Zaev and Mickoski.