Trencevska: Draft-Law is to Strengthen Capacities for Gender Equality

Labour and Social Policy Minister Jovanka Trencevska said on Wednesday that the Draft-law on Gender Equality is supposed to provide equal opportunities for men and women in our society and to strengthen the mechanisms that can secure equality. She also announced that representatives of the Labour Ministry will hold meetings with representatives of the Macedonian Orthodox Church (MOC) over the law, after the controversy sparked by the tribune MOC organised in Strumica at which participants argued against the law, prompting a reaction from the Platform for Gender Equality and the Labour Ministry itself. This caused a counter-reaction by MOC, in which they accused that the institutions are “enslaved by gender ideologists”. Strumica mayor Kostadin Kostadinov also reacted to the accusations addressed at him, saying that as a citizen he has the right of freedom of opinion, and so does the Church, and asked for an apology by the Platform for Gender Equality, claiming that their accusations have hurt the feelings of the citizens of Strumica.