“VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski’s offer for a leadership meeting is still valid, although Prime Minister Kovacevski expressly rejected it,” said Vice President of VMRO-DPMNE Aleksandar Nikoloski. Meanwhile, the opposition party demands the inclusion of their teams in the creation of state strategies, which according to them would be helpful in resolving crises, and as soon as possible a date for early elections can be set. Otherwise, the party has already announced that after 10 May, the deadline given by Mickoski to the government, they will protest. The position of the government remains unchanged – that neither meetings are needed for elections, nor holding elections, they say a functional Parliament is needed and rational spending of budget money. SDSM reiterated that they will not allow, as they say, the opposition leader Mickoski and VMRO-DPMNE to create new crises. DUI is also against holding elections. They are of the opinion that early elections are acceptable only in April 2024, together with the presidential elections, i.e. only a few months before the regular term for parliamentary elections.