VMRO-DPMNE filed an initiative to the Constitutional Court of Macedonia for evaluation of the constitutionality of the recently implemented Law on Languages. “The law is published in Official Gazette without the signature of President Gjorge Ivanov, an action which violates Article 75 of the Constitution of Macedonia. Article 82 of the Constitution is also breached, because Talat Xhaferi’s election as Parliament Speaker is still illegal, which gives him no authority to make actions of this nature. The Law on Languages itself also violates the Amendments number V to the Constitution, which states that the Macedonian language and its Cyrillic script remains the only official language on the entire territory of the country and in its international relations, whereas the new law puts the Macedonian language on the same level with any language spoken by at least 20 % of the population of the country or a municipality,” said VMRO-DPMNE Sec Gen Igor Janusev in a press conference on Monday.