In an interview with the Kurir portal, VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski levels fierce accusations against the SDSM-led government. “Macedonia is living its darkest moments,” he says. According to Mickoski, the economy is faced with a huge number of problems because of several reasons, including failure to open factories. “We’re only seeing a confrontation between oligarchs for finding room under the government’s criminal umbrella,” the VMRO-DPMNE leader points out. In Mickoski’s view, it will be Macedonia’s citizens who will, as he points out, KO the government. “It’s simple. There are no results and progress in any sphere,” the VMRO-DPMNE leader stresses. Regarding the developments related to Nikola Gruevski, Mickoski highlights that the former PM is innocent, describing the procedure against him as staged.