VMRO-DPMNE has called for the dismissal of advisers who, on Facebook, commented that new Minister of Labour and Social Policy Rashela Mizrahi should put the Star of David instead of taking pictures of her and a party flag. Such a comment on a photo posted by Mizrahi was made by Mersiha Smailovic, adviser at SDSM. However, she afterwards claimed that her stand was that state officials shouldn’t use party symbols. VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski said on Monday тхат he was appalled by the easiness with which divisions were being made, hate speech was being spread towards the State of Israel and the Jewish people, and the insults towards VMRO-DPMNE, adding that political motives were in the background, stimulated by SDSM. “And this is not the first time, but this time, it’s too much. They’re turning the phrase ‘one society for all’ into persecution towards non-like-minded persons,” he wrote on the social medium. According to him, the least SDSM can do is apologise to both Mizrahi and VMRO-DPMNE. “All of this will end, but the shame of those who are today taking the flag of hate will remain,” the VMRO-DPMNE leader added. The same day, at a press-conference, Zhaklina Peshevska, member of Mickoski’s party, stated that VMRO-DPMNE wouldn’t tolerate anti-Semitism and hate speech on religious and national grounds against anybody. Also, she called on Zoran Bojarovski, Adviser at the Government, and Smailovic, to resign. “We urge the Government to immediately dismiss Bojarovski as Adviser to the PM and dismiss Smailovic from her position in the party. If Zoran Zaev and his party don’t take action against hate speech, the conclusion is reached that the anti-Semitism and hate speech is supported, instructed, and brought directly by the top of SDSM,” Peshevska stated. In response, SDSM said VMRO-DPMNE was making up things in order to cover up the incompetence of its members in the frames of the caretaker Government. “Divisions of citizens, hate speech, discriminations, and ethnic conflicts are traits of the regime VMRO-DPMNE and are directly related to the political doctrine of this unreformed party, in which nothing has changed,” the ruling party said.