VMRO-DPMNE has revealed on Monday the names of the candidates for ministers in the technical government which is to organise the snap parliamentary election on 12 April 2020. The opposition party suggests Rashela Mizrahi for the position Minister of Labour and Social Policy, Cvetan Tripunovski for Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Gordana Dimitrieska-Kocoska for Deputy Minister of Finance and Nevenka Stamenkovska-Stojkovski for Deputy Minister of Information Society and Administration. The leaders of VMRO-DPMNE and of SDSM, Hristijan Mickoski and Zoran Zaev respectively, met on Saturday in order to discuss the suggestions of the opposition for ministers in the technical government, but failed to reach agreement over the candidate for the position of Interior Minister, Dragan Kovacki, after it was determined that Kovacki is already an official in the Army of Macedonia (ARM), and the Article 97 of the Constitution of Macedonia claims that the candidate for Interior Minister in the technical or any other government must not be a person that occupied an official position of the state in the previous three years. Commenting on the suggestion of VMRO-DPMNE for ARM Official Dragan Kovacki as Interior Minister in the technical government, President Stevo Pendarovski says that it violates the constitution. “No matter how you read the Constitution, it clearly states that a military official cannot and should not manage the Interior Ministry, not only in technical government, but in any form of government whatsoever,” Pendarovski underlines.