VMRO-DPMNE Stages New Anti-Governmental Protests

VMRO-DPMNE staged two new anti-governmental protests in Skopje, one in front of the building of the Government of Macedonia, and one in front of the building of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski addressed the citizens in both protests. “These are moments, days in which we all need to decide about our future. In the past years, VMRO-DPMNE while being in government, always pledged for dialogue and agreements for resolving of bilateral issues with our neighbours, but we would’ve never accepted to sign and ratify an agreement such as the one Zoran Zaev signed back in 2017, with which he allowed official Sofia to dispute our statehood, our identity and our language. Today, instead of talking about economic prosperity and technological development, we are being victims of the decisions of a real amateur politician, we talk about something that is our fundamental human right and cannot and should not be negotiated about,” Mickoski said.