VMRO-DPMNE Stopping Communication over Constitutional Changes Issue

VMRO-DPMNE is stopping the communication with the government regarding the issue of constitutional changes. That decision has been made by the party’s Executive Committee. Opposition leader Hristijan Mickoski said on Saturday the only topic that could be discussed was early elections in autumn, despite PM Dimitar Kovacevski’s stand that the elections will be held in the standard term, that is, next year. The announcement that the constitutional amendments will enter Parliament procedure in two weeks haven’t changed VMRO-DPMNE’s stand. The party’s Parliamentary Group Coordinator, Nikola Micevski, said there were no MPs that were negotiating with the ruling majority and that would vote against the will of citizens. However, the ruling party is not giving up. At the session of the Central Board the same day, it confirmed the amendments would enter procedure in the frames of the legislative home in two weeks.