On Sunday, SDSM leader and ex-PM Zoran Zaev welcomed the adoption of the Public Prosecutor’s Office (PPO) law. “Reforms in the judiciary must continue,” he said, adding that he was asking for a new mandate in order to remove dishonest judges and prosecutors from that sector. Zaev added that he guaranteed that all cases started by the former Special Prosecutor’s Office would be finished in court. SDSM is adamant that there was nothing wrong with the adoption procedure. On the other hand, VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski stated that his party would use all legal steps at its disposal to challenge, before relevant institutions, Sunday’s adoption of laws in Parliament. “What happened today is anything but justice,” he stated, adding that there would be accountability after 12 April for everything that had been happening in the past period. Also on Sunday, despite VMRO-DPMNE’s appeals, President Stevo Pendarovski signed the decrees for the adopted laws.