The PM Zoran Zaev announced that the government will proceed with the cabinet reshuffle procedures next week. “We are about to replace more than 20 deputy ministers and directors of state institutions, as well as more than 30 officials on local level. This will most probably conclude this process of reconstruction of the governmental cabinet,” Zaev said. “We are about to replace more than 20 deputy ministers and directors of state institutions, as well as more than 30 officials on local level. This will most probably conclude this process of reconstruction of the governmental cabinet,” Zaev said during his visit of the archaeological site of Stobi. Answering questions related to the publication of the full recording of a conversation between former PM Nikola Gruevski and former Interior Minister Gordana Jankuloska related to the murder of Martin Neskovski in 2015, which Zaev as opposition leader in 2014 published in a shorter version, the PM said that he published al he had back then and denied accusations that he intentionally edited the recording to manipulate the public.