PM Zoran Zaev said in an interview for TV 21 that he is very disappointed with the decision of Bulgaria to not approve the EU negotiation framework for Macedonia. “This is probably the greatest defeat for the EU, and I have to voice my extreme disappointment with official Sofia’s decision. We concluded the Good-neighbourliness Agreement with Bulgaria, and now when time has come for it to be respected, Bulgaria did not do it. We need to proceed with building friendships, not conflicts, because I am strongly convinced that this decision does not represent the will of the Bulgarian citizens. We are also very grateful for the support of the German presidency with the EU through the entire process,” Zaev said. Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani also voiced disappointment with Bulgaria’s decision, but said he remains optimistic thill the next EU meeting in December. “Today we missed a historic chance for adoption of the negotiation framework. However, we must not give up now, because we have no alternatives for our EU-integration. Negotiations with official Sofia shall proceed, and I really hope we can find a solution till December,” Osmani said in interview for Sitel TV. The Government of Macedonia also came out with an official reaction towards Bulgaria. “The decision of Bulgaria is a failure for the policies for enlargement of the EU, a very bad message for the entire West Balkan region. We have always been and shall remain Macedonians, who speak Macedonian language, and no one has the right to negotiate about or dispute our right of self-determination,” the governmental reaction writes.