Zaev: Idea for Broader Government with Opposition Parties Remains Open

PM Zoran Zaev said at a press conference that his offer to the opposition for formation of a broader government remains open. “I am ready to offer cooperation everywhere where it is possible. We are facing too many obstructions by the opposition, especially in the Parliament where we are to adopt laws crucial for the well-being of our citizens. We must remove these obstructions sooner, which is why I opened this debate. Only a credible consensus will secure our progress and efficient growth of the country. SDSM remains open for cooperation with all, because obstructions and blockades will lead us nowhere, and the negative consequences will be felt by all citizens,” Zaev said. However, in an interview for Sitel TV, PM Zaev said that he only presented an idea for broader government, and did not offer alliance formation to opposition party, as some media reported. “I did not call anyone for formation of alliance, I only presented an idea, a possibility,” Zaev said.