Zaev: Prespa Agreement secures our Future

The PM Zoran Zaev commented on the adoption of the Prespa Agreement by the Greek Parliament, during a tribune held in Veles where he and other ministers from the government presented the economic policies for 2019. “My dear citizens, you, along with the citizens of Greece, can be proud today, for you are the generation that ended probably one of the longest bilateral disputes in Europe. We are all winners, including those that opposed this agreement in both countries, because even they will see better days after the dispute is formally resolved. I thank all the brave women and men, members of the Macedonian and the Greek Parliament that carried out this decision guided by the thought for better future for themselves and the generations to come. The brave citizens choose to denounce the ghouls from the past and give this world a stable and united Balkan, a place of good neighbours and peace,” Zaev said.