SDSM Leader Zoran Zaev, at Monday’s press conference stated that it is up to the government to assess whether a state of emergency in the country will declare in order to prevent the spread of coronavirus. “I leave it to the government to evaluate such things, we politicians are left to assist, so that they can execute their responsibilities professionally. All measures taken in our country are even more advanced to those in countries where state of emergency has been declared. However, a state of emergency is sometimes declared as tool for managing the situation. First of all, I consider the health aspects. As such I believe that the government will take all these aspects into consideration… Although it is not an accident that the countries around us declared a state of emergency – all Albania, Kosovo, Serbia and Greece. Probably we will move towards that as it is a more serious tool for easier and more successful management for managing such a crisis as the one caused by coronavirus is,” Zaev informed the journalists.