Computers, Digital Data and Documentation Seized from Oncology Clinic

Computers, digital data, and documentation were seized and taken away during Friday’s searches at the Oncology Clinic and homes of Clinic employees, the Prosecutor’s Office said on Saturday.

The expertise will show whether there was therapy trade for profit. The searches are in the frames of a pre-investigation opened by the Office following the series of texts by the Fokus weekly about the existence of a devised criminal network of Clinic employees that would resell the expensive therapy by putting the names of fictional patients in the system, while part of actual patients would be given half-therapy, diluted with a biological solution, while the rest would be resold on the black market.

Sources have told Telma that the therapy, against all protocols, was given to patients for them to receive it at home, while responsible persons at the Clinic would take it out of the clinic through fictional orders from patients and re-sell it.

Health Minister Fatmir Mexhiti expressed support for the Office to solve the case. According to VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski, there should be political accountability over the case, too. PM Dimitar Kovacevski said everyone who had broken the law would be held to account.