Current SCPC Composition Holds Last Press-Conference

“We’ve done our job. We have 56 initiatives for filing criminal charges, but the other organs in the country are responsible for the fact that liability has not been launched over any,” State Commission for Prevention of Corruption (SCPC) President Biljana Ivanovska said on Wednesday, during the current composition’s last press-conference.

The SCPC believes it has restored confidence in the body and set up a system that will later on make work of the next composition easier.

“We are not to blame that nobody acts. Does one swallow make a spring? No. Other organs need to act too. When it comes to prosecuting corruption, it’s not enough for just the SCPC and State Audit Office to act,” she added.

As Ivanovska explained, the SCPC had filed initiatives for criminal prosecution of Struga Mayor Ramiz Merko and ex-Deputy PM for Economic Affairs Koco Angjusev, but the cases were returned to the body.

“Several months later, both were blacklisted by the US. That means our work and suspicions were correct,” she noted.