Debate on Need for Lie Detector Tests for Officers Working at Crossings

At a debate on the need for lie detector tests for officers working at border-crossings, held on Wednesday, ex-Finance Minister Xhevdet Hajredini said SDSM leader Dimitar Kovacevski and DUI leader Ali Ahmeti should be the first that should actually take such a test.

As he added, those responsible for the Criminal Code changes last year have no moral right to talk about anti-corruption.

Though Hajredini is not against the introduction of polygraph testing, he believes that that will have a small effect. Former State Commission for Prevention of Corruption (SCPC) President Biljana Ivanovska considers that what also matters is how people working at crossings are employed. That is done through party bargaining, she pointed out.

“Depending on who the head is, they bring people from their party. They are accountable to that person, which, in turn, is accountable to the party,” Ivanovska stated.

Polygraph examiners were part of the debate, too, stressing that accuracy was over 95%. If the proposal is accepted, a special institution under the competence of Parliament will need to be formed to eliminate political influence.