On Monday, with 110 votes in favour, zero against, and no abstentions, Parliament adopted in the shortened procedure changes to the Road Traffic Safety Law, extending the validity of driving licences containing the previous constitutional name until 31 December 2024.
Prior to the vote, Levica MP and leader Dimitar Apasiev said the changes being adopted were forced and didn’t represent a final resolution to the problem. In his view, the same changes will need to be made in December too. VMRO-DPMNE MP Gordana Siljanovska-Davkova said both Greece and the EU were violating the Prespa Agreement.
President Stevo Pendarovski signed the decree for promulgation of the Law. The opposition had asked for the validity of passports to be extended too, but there was no agreement on that, which is why the issue was not debated at the plenary session.